Product Description
All the gates models are space efficient security barriers, with a
compact design, yet offer sufficient space to integrate any access control system. They
can be mounted with display, passage counter, card reader, token operation traffic lights,
command console, alarm system against unauthorized entries, interfaced with a PC
through a RS232(RS485 ,TCP-IP)line. The unique swing arm feature provides a fail-safe
safety solution in case of an emergency or power failure, providing egress in case of
crisis evacuations. Durability with minimal maintenance means years and millions of
trouble free passages. The gate creates a secure environment in. for example, a reception
Features and Benefits
More Security: 3 pairs of infrared sensors detects passing more accurately
Anti-tailgating and Anti-pass back function provide secure passing.
Echo-Friendly: Power consumption 20w
Long Lifecycles 5,000,000 cycles MCBF.
Easy Operation: Our own developed mainboard for easy operation and maintenance.